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An approach focused on solving problems in the areas of corporate finance and valuation of investments in accordance with the best international approaches and practices, and applicable international standards.
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Finding optimal tax solutions for different industries in context financial and non-financial sector.
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Compliance with the applicable regulations, the substance or procedure law for proper application of positive legal norms in daily operations.

Our value,
Your confidence

One of the main characteristics of today’s business is a large amount of information and dynamics which changes the business environment daily. Regulatory frameworks, both at the national and international level, are not spared these trends.

Business activities in such environment raises numerous questions in the field of interpretation and application of tax regulations, where each transaction can have multiple tax effects in one or more countries. Thanks to the close specialization of our tax specialists, you can be assured that your business is aligned with legal requirements.

Our expertise


Preparation of Transfer pricing studies, conducting benchmark analyses, and identification of the risk in operating with related parties.

Alignment withthe

Analysis of the process and risk assessment according to provisions of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as implementation of controls regarding to identified disadvantages.

Assistance in the appeal procedure

Communication with tax institutions with purpose of finding possible solutions in context of proper application of tax regulations.

Restructuring, Acquisition, Management

Support in sales and acquisition procedures for business units; due diligence; business restructuring and modeling; feasibility studies and financial projections; optimization of business processes; diagnostics and optimization of financial and operational risks.

Periodic and continuous tax advice

Assistance in terms of interpretation and application of tax regulations of planned project, current transaction or continuously during everyday business.

Evaluation of

Estimates of the market value of companies, equity, and intangible assets, real estate, movable property and liabilities; the implementation of tests for the impairment of investments; consulting the management in the field of value improvement and optimal investment management.


Izmjene i dopune Pravilnika o primjeni Zakona o porezu na dobit i Pravilnika o postupku podnošenja poreznih prijava

Na dan 02. decembra 2020. godine u “Službenim novinama Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine”, broj 87/20 objavljene su izmjene i dopune sljedećih pravilnika: Pravilnik o primjeni Zakona o porezu na dobit; Pravilnik o postupku podnošenja poreznih prijava. Izmjene i dopune prethodno navedenih pravilnika bit će u primjeni od 01. januara 2021. godine, a kompletan tekst pomenutih […]

Kontrola usklađenosti poslovanja koju provodi ured Finansijske policije FBiH

U posljednje vrijeme smo imali priliku svjedočiti nekoliko redovnih kontrola od strane Finansijske policije FBiH (u daljem tekstu „FPFBiH“) koje su provođene nad poslovnim subjektima u FBiH. Shodno našim iskustvima u praksi, privrednim društvima bismo skrenuli pažnju na nekoliko segmenata u poslovanju koje su predmet nadzora pomenutog organa. Prema odredbama Zakona o finansijskoj policiji, ista [...]

Odluka Ustavnog suda BiH u vezi roka za povrat PDV-a

Ovim poreznim novostima obavještavamo Vas da je Ustavni sud BiH,  po apelaciji podnesenoj od strane Advokatskog društva Marić & Co, donio odluku kojom se regulišu rokovi prilikom ostvarivanja prava na povrat poreza na dodatu vrijednost (u daljem tekstu „PDV“). Naime, dosadašnja praska je podrazumijevala da prilikom ostvarivanja povrata značajnih iznosa PDV-a, umjesto isplate tih iznosa, [...]
Any questions?


Do you have a dilemma to deal with a particular transaction or do you need financial, tax or legal advice?

PTA d.o.o. Sarajevo
Mehmeda Spahe 24/III,
71000 Sarajevo
Bosna i Herzegovina
+387 (33) 20 20 63

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